Planda uses cookies to give you the best possible experience. By using this site you consent to cookies being set.

What are Cookies?
A cookie is a small text file which is automatically saved on your computer when you visit our website and is used to help track activity across a website.

Your privacy is important
Planda only uses cookies to identify you so we can let you make and respond to plandas. More information is available on our help page.

Contact Us

Problems? Suggestions?

We would love to hear your feedback and suggestions for improving Planda.

Please contact us by email at or by using the form below.

Contact Us

Privacy Policy

Your privacy is important

We respect our users and care about their privacy. Planda does not track you, and we only use cookies to:

  • Record that you've seen our cookie message.
    Click here to delete that cookie and see the message again at the top of the screen.
  • Identify you on this website so you can return and update your Plandas.
  • Save your 12h/24h time preference (if you have set it).
    Click here to delete that cookie and use the default.

Information we save

  • Your name - to display on plans
  • Your email address (if you entered it) - so you are able to log into your account
  • Your timezone - so we can display times correctly across timezones
  • Your responses to plans - so they can be displayed to others


If you have any comments or questions about this policy, please contact us by email at